Sabbath School Classes

Classes Begin at 10:00 am

Children's Classes

We offer the following classes:
  • Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3 in the Cradle Roll room)
  • Kindergarten (Ages 4-6 in the Kindergarten room)
  • Primary (Ages 7-9 in the Primary room)
  • Juniors (Ages 10-12 in the Junior room)
  • Earliteens (Ages 13-15 in the Earliteen room)

Youth Class

Our Youth Class is  geared for young people aged 15-18 and meets in the Youth Room.

Young Adults

Our young adult class is a safe place for ages 18-35 and meets upstairs in the multi-purpose building.

Adult classes

We offer the following classes:
  • Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary front)
  • Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
  • Discipleship Handbook Class (Room behind the organ)
  • Spirit of Prophecy class studying Story of Redemption  (Pathfinder Room)
  • Revelation of Hope Class (Fellowship Hall)

Adult Sabbath School Resources